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Why you need a personalisation program as well

Why you need a personalisation program as well

Why you need a personalisation program as well. Most email programs today still rely on basic CRM-based segmentation, with very little personalisation being applied according to meaningful interactions that take place on the site or app.

Implementing predictive personalisation software (PPS) in addition – rather than instead of merely as email service provider (ESP), selects product selection unique and individual to each consumer, without need of any human input whatsoever. Zero staff, no coding, no design skills, or messy integrations required. Most importantly is delivers an enormous multiple on the return, as mums as 20x according to leading research institutes like McKinsey, Forrester and Statista.

Email remains one of the most effective channels for driving sales and customer loyalty, with email usage continuing to grow year over year. However, siloed data from fragmented cross-channel marketing efforts have made it impossible to deliver emails that truly reflect the interests and needs of consumers, and especially on an individual and personal level.

Instead, most email sent still rely on basic CRM-based segmentation, with very little personalisation being applied according to the meaningful interactions that take place on the site or app. As an extension of the web experience, brands need to be able to more easily utilise personalised content in their emails, not only so they can stand out in the inbox and inspire action but also to create consistency between channels.

That’s why today, PPS is excited to empower brands to experience truly inspirational results from predictive personalisation, never seen before. The way it was meant to be: personalised, real-time, and predictive.

Experience Email, with a unified personalisation solution

Built on our robust predictive analytics facility, PPS allows marketers to track and incorporate important on-site activity from each individual consumer into their email campaigns. For example, what visitors are browsing for or adding to the cart at that moment – information is used to perpetuate the improvement of SKU ranking for imminent purchase of every stock item listed on your site, against each individual consumer, and likewise including whatever the response, or lack of it, is to those selections too.

Creating a hub of all available individual engagement data – both historical and real-time – artificial intelligence is then utilised to algorithmically match products and offerings to different individuals based on their shopping activity, product affinities, cross-device behavior, and more.

And with optimisation happening at the time of email open, the most recent interactions are always reflected, ensuring relevance even after the timed send happens. As a result, web and email experiences can influence one another, a benefit existing retailers using it have already come to appreciate.

Why you need a personalisation program as well

The necessity for a static stylesheet delivers a 20 fold impact

Many marketers can’t, or don’t want to, understand the necessity for a static stylesheet with big data. Having seen the escalation of creative facilities within email design for the past decade, at first it appears both irritating and incomprehensible that the design for predictive personalisation email content is unalterable.

But the quid pro quo for this is truly astounding. The sheer volume of data being processed behind the scenes for each individual consumer is enormous. The system is processing gargantuan volumes, and even for the smallest retailer would need huge resources.

The necessity for ever greater precision of product selection for each consumer’s unique content, would then be prohibitive to enable a design facility too. Hence running alongside your ESP complements each other perfectly, and allows accuracy of data as these services run in parallel. Ignore it at your peril, but 20 times more volume sales returned isn’t a number to be sniffed at.

But there is another reason too. Details including where the products appear on a page, their selection ranking from all SKUs, and the peace enjoyed by consumers because of the lack of marketing input – promotions, incentives etc, which would otherwise cloud the ability for pure unadulterated product selection, are all dispensed with.

The marketeer, is reassured that, because the whole PPS process requires zero human input – that’s 100% automatic perpetually and because you already have the overheads accounted for, the GP of all attributed sales (less the cost of PPS) is the GP achieved, delivering the highest ROI in marketing.

Learn more about a free trial of SwiftERM PPS, to establish viability here.

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