SwiftERM Hyper-personalisation for ecommerce email marketing
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How does SwiftERM work?

Advanced technology made to work for you

Empower your ecommerce through generative AI personalisation. Product selection, for each consumer

SwiftERM is an AI machine learning autonomous plugin that is installed on your ecommerce platform. It perpetually delivers each of your customers their own unique product selection preferences. It is so powerful it delivers a huge hike in average order value and customer lifetime value. It takes the data instantly as it is captured on your site, to better identify product preferences. Ones with the greatest likelihood of being purchased next. 

It is totally autonomous, involving zero staff at any time whatsoever. It not only saves time, costs and human resources – thereby increasing the ROI phenomenally, but it also avoids corruption of statistical data, mistakes, errors, omissions, and works around the clock. It can be used as a standalone system or alongside your existing tech stack, to enhance and add value to your marketing strategy.

“91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.”

Using data to greatest effect

Identify and capture each shopper's imminent product choices to increase your ROI 20x

Founded by people who advised the UK Government for over 30 years of experience on B2C marketing, SwiftERM is an innovative SaaS, developed to fulfil an opportunity for ecommerce retailers. By offering customers an interactive, hyper-personalised product selection experience, enabling you to capture otherwise missed opportunities and lost sales. 


This isn’t an alternative personalised email system; this is an additional service to generatively predict imminent purchases that may wander to a competitor or, but for being presented,  be lost altogether. This is the future of ecommerce offering exactly the right products to each individual, at the right time. Create a relationship with each one for continued customer lifetime value, loyalty to you and perpetual growth.

SwiftERM: AI Hyper-Personalisation SaaS

Analyses past and present behaviour to identify future purchases through people’s online purchases, brand loyalty, style preferences, materials choice, size, colour and navigation habits
Optimises your customer ordering experience to capture data to increase relevancy
Delivers products unique and personal to that customer at the right time

“A fantastic automated solution to keep customers coming back time & time again.”

Going beyond historic data

Capture live impressions to identify subtle nuances

Intelligent algorithm determines relevance by shopping preferences
Advanced analytics consider multiple factors including budget, product purchase history, item comparisons, frequency of visit, customer journey, length on item and many more. A huge KPI analysis.
Predicts individual buyer behaviour offers the right products at the right time

SwiftERM’s AI machine learning algorithm offers an advanced level of data insight to generate effective product selections that drive closer affinity with each consumer. Maximise the lifetime value of each consumer and increases their average order value by providing people with products they want to buy. Consequently it drives down the rate of returned good, as they are buying the products they actually want. Predictive product selection software that takes all the stress out of data-analytics, by doing the work for you and delivering the highest possible returns perpetually.



There are many product out there purporting to offer similar services, but beware the triggered or segmented solutions, as the distinction is enormous. as much as 20x the ROI than all other marketing combines is a figure quoted by McKinsey, Forrester, Bain and Statista.

Want a FREE 30-day trial to see how our solution will benefit your ecommerce business? 

No lock-in contract period and free installation if required.

Microsoft Certified Partner

A strategic advantage.

Enterprise clients can opt to use the world-class Microsoft Azure platform
Cloud-based reporting and insights for ease of access
Advanced capabilities to provide detailed analytics

If you’re an enterprise level business, you will already recognise the potential of AI technologies to create significant value. We can enhance your go-to-market strategy, with this immediate Saas Installation or bespoke platform integration as required.

Don’t miss out on developing customer lifetime value. Drawing from decades of ecommerce experience, SwiftERM can support your business to help generate far great additional revenue from your existing customers.

Knowledge Transfer Protocol Scheme

United Kingdom University Initiative

SwiftERM is a participant in a variety of UK Government sponsored schemes, including UKRI Metascience. This aims to help businesses in the UK innovate and develop by utilising graduates, along with an academic or research organisation.

For academics, is a way of gaining new perspectives on possible directions and approaches for research. This two-way exchange is at the heart of successful and sustainable collaborations. As an academic or research organisation partner, it will help you recruit a suitable graduate, known as an Associate. They will act as the employer of the graduate, who then works at a company for an agreed duration.



For a list of Universities, Institutions and Companies that collaborate, refer to and work with SwiftERM click on the  link.

Level up your ecommerce marketing