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Hyper-personalised email marketing made simple

Hyper-personalised email marketing made simple

Consumers have come to demand and expect relevant and hyper-personalised email marketing content and experience. To meet these demands, marketers are striving to leverage email hyper-personalisation to move to a 1:1 experiences that not only meets, but exceed consumer expectations.

That’s why it’s not surprising that, when asked to prioritise one capability that will be most important to marketing in the future, 74% of marketers say hyper-personalisation increases customer engagement, and they see a huge increase in sales when using personalised, relevant experiences.

What is email hyper-personalisation?

Hyper-personalisation, in the context of email marketing, is the act of targeting an email campaign to a specific subscriber by leveraging the data and information you have about them. Back in the day it used to mean information like their first name, the last product they bought, where they live, how many times they log into your app, or a number of other data points. Luckily that ship has sailed.

You can no longer point at it being this, especially just the fundamental elements, and say this is personalisation. To do so would deprive your returns many fold. No, now it means using each and every bit of personal data you have, on each individual consumer. Miss something, and sales are lost as a direct and immediate consequence. This is hyper-critical marketing, by the highest standards.

Hyper-personalising your email campaigns is a proven way to increase your open and click-through rates and can have a measurable impact on your ROI and revenue. Consider the following statement:

Applications like SwiftERM, the AI hyper-personalisation SaaS, deliver enormous additional ROI. The biggest and best research companies including Statista, Forrester, Bain and McKinsey have been doing annual studies on hyper-personalisation for the past 5 years, and actually verify that 20 times more sales are available by getting individual hyper-personalisation right.

These results stem from the fact that hyper-personalised emails are more relevant to subscribers. Instead of receiving a campaign with generic offers and messaging, your subscribers will receive an email that is targeted directly at them, includes their name, and provides offers (products, promotions, etc.) that are relevant to their interests. Even when they each get their email is purposed directed by the time and date the data tells you it would achieve the greatest benefit to both you and your consumer.

The biggest return is because AI hyper-personalisation is autonomous

If you leave product selection to segmentation software, you make it a lot easier to design and prepared your email, sadly you also lose 20x the revenue. To look at this you need to consider what a segment is, a sliced and diced bunch of people. It might be easier for you to target people who according to your segment definitions are most likely to buy a particular product. But just because what its they bought that morning, or already have it in an alternate colour, fabric, idiom short-sleeve as opposed to long-sleeved etc doesn’t make that person an immediate prospect. A wasted email maybe, but worse it may have opened another can of worms, of it being an upset customer, and up goes your suppressions rate.

What then if you could employ a permanently running solution which, nano-seconds before sending, selects the exact products with the highest likelihood of being bought by that individual consumer. There will be precious retailers reading this, who will be thinking “but what if my customers don’t like that?”. While we respect it is a consideration, the answer, available across a myriad of sites, will illustrate that the opposite is the case.

Consumer’s love you tailoring their selection for them, it is far more important to them than maintaining a house style, or design layout, aesthetics etc. The fact it generates so much more revenue answers any doubts, indeed smashes it into oblivion.

With such diversity of taste, it would be impossible to address hyper- personalisation by traditional marketing means. SwiftERM, have devised a means for extreme hyper personalisation of all your marketing communications, addressing each and every consumer as an individual.

If you appreciate how unique and personal product selection is now critical to consumers, that uniqueness to each person distinctly, you are perfectly placed to appreciate that likewise what you offer to each individual consumer must be unique and essential to them alone. Products selected to be offered by SwiftERM, AI technology, use an deep learning analytics algorithm which watches both that individual’s buying habits but essentially what they browse, how often they return them, what they return, what they spend most time reviewing etc.

All of which creates a unique profile and contributes to their selections. To ignore this is to offer your competitors an opportunity to steal-away your customers, but equally important it fails to illustrate your empathy and lack of effort, to be worthy of being their preferred retailer.

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