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Personalisation software trial now includes guaranteed returns

Personalisation software trial now includes guaranteed returns

When you’re offered something for nothing it is usual to expect a catch, right? Surely something that works doesn’t need to be offered on a free trial, and if it is, surely it doesn’t work? Not really, there is a small matter of share of voice. So consider the alternate competitors perspective on this, that a results driven solution runs the risk of undermining all their hard earned income enjoyed for a long time. They are unscrupulous in their vociferous onslaught to maintain their place in the market and denigrate all newcomers, above all.

For this reason SwiftERM, a predictive personalisation software (PPS) solution, which identifies each individual consumer’s next most likely purchase, are now guaranteeing the return from trials of its software. So if you own an ecommerce website offering fashion, groceries, wine, cycles and accessories, chandlery, books, music, beauty and cosmetics, pet foods, shoes, health foods etc we now guarantee the results.

How will personalisation of product selections help my business?

There are many published results for various aspects of personalisation, all proving that if you show consumer’s what they most want, when they want it, they are highly likely to make the purchase.

PPS achieves the highest ROI in ecommerce marketing according to Forrester, McKinsey, Bain and Statista. Advanced email marketers using PPS know it will be presenting the exact product with the highest buying propensity for that individual and unique customer, at precisely the right moment.

Here are a few other stats from multiple sources:

71% of consumers feel frustrated when a shopping experience is impersonal. – Segment

70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant emails. – SmarterHQ

74% of customers feel frustrated when website content is not personalised. – Instapage

47% of consumers check Amazon if the brand they’re shopping with doesn’t provide product suggestions that are relevant. – SmarterHQ

36% of consumers say retailers need to do more to offer personalised experiences. – Retail TouchPoints

91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them. – Accenture

80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalised experiences. – Epsilon

90% of U.S. consumers find marketing personalisation very or somewhat appealing. – Statista

72% of consumers say they only engage with personalised messaging. – SmarterHQ

80% of frequent shoppers only shop with brands that personalise the experience. – SmarterHQ

56% of online shoppers are more likely to return to a website that recommends products. – Invesp

63% of consumers will stop buying from brands that use poor personalisation tactics. – Smart Insights

66% of consumers say encountering content that isn’t personalised would stop them from making a purchase. – CMO by Adobe

42% of consumers are annoyed when content isn’t personalised. – CMO by Adobe

More than 50% of consumers are willing to share information on products they like in order to get personalised discounts. – Retail TouchPoints

83% of consumers are willing to share their data to create a more a personalised experience. – Accenture

90% of consumers are willing to share personal behavioural data with companies for a cheaper and easier experience. – SmarterHQ

64% of consumers are fine with retailers saving their purchase history and preferences if it allows them to offer more personalised experiences. – BRP Consulting

What does it actually do, and how?

Predictive personalisation software uses an AI/ML process revolving around gathering all the data trail each consumer makes when they visit your site, through to their purchases. It then best calculates which products they are most likely to buy next. The algorithm not only takes into account what they looked at, but the distinction of how many times they looked at it, how long for, and their timing and process to do so. All of which are a unique fingerprint of that individual, and all of which perpetually changes.

It then ranks the ones with the greatest buying propensity (for that individual) and populates a stylesheet in order. Then when most appropriate it sends those products selections to the consumer by email at exactly the perfect time. No two customers are ever the same, and likewise no two emails are ever the same either. The whole system is totally autonomous, and the greatest luxury of PPS software is the absence of human input. It is data accurate working perpetually around the clock for you, with minimal expense.

What immediate effect will I see from taking a trial?

We have a variety of vertical examples, each dependent on their own unique circumstances, and consequently they see different levels of return. But the underlining motivation for adopting it is that predicting what product each consumer is going to buy, and showing it to them at exactly the right time, has a phenomenal effect, that you cannot afford to ignore.

The Fashion and Apparel retailer:

Example 1. The above are our client statistics for a fashion retailer which (at the time of the screen grab) had 183,918 people on their database. The verified attribution over the period was £264,044.50 turnover which @60% GP equates to £158,426.70. The post trial period is 7 months, which at a cost of £1800 per month is a total of £12,600 cost. NB. The database was growing throughout the trial to arrive at this total, but which we have ignored, for ease of comparison.

This example delivered an ROI calculation of 1157%, therefore:

We guarantee fashion retailers a minimum 1000% ROI.

The Petfood retailer:

Example 2. This petfood retailer has 7,630 people on his database, and verified attribution of £36,472.68, which with a GP of 50%, equates to £18,236.34 GP over the 12 months. The period equates to a monthly cost of £100 (i.e. less than 20k), there is no trial period in this example so equates to 12 months.

This example delivered an ROI calculation of 1420%, therefore:

We guarantee petfood retailers a minimum 1200% ROI.

The Shoe retailer:

Example 3. This online shoe retailer has 10,634 people on his database, and a verified attribution of £19,110.87, which with a GP of 50%, equates to £9,555.43 GP over the 12 months. Again the monthly cost is just £100, and again it equates to a whole year – excluding trial, so the annual cost is £1,200.

This example delivered an ROI calculation of 696%, therefore:

We guarantee online shoe retailers a minimum 500% ROI.

The Beauty and Cosmetics retailer:

Example 4. This beauty and cosmetics retailer has a database of 10666, and a verified monthly attribution of £5037.08, which at a GP of 50% equates to £2518.54. Again the monthly cost is just £100

This example delivered an ROI calculation of 2419%%, therefore:

We guarantee online beauty and cosmetics retailers a minimum 2000% ROI.


SwiftERM is installed as a plugin, registering online and then taken to your platform marketplace, where it has enjoyed inspection and passing verification already. Once installed it downloads the data available on the platform, and begins to gather data from impressions too. At a time convenient to you we will set the solution live, and experience suggests we should be able to know within just a few days, how viable the proposition is for you.

Sites that have consumers who return and purchase frequently are most likely to see the greatest effect. The solution doesn’t interfere with any other existing software, nor marketing campaign. It is strictly a stand-alone, aimed at capturing additional sales of products that your consumers might have been tempted to purchase on a competitor’s site, but for the fact you were now able to grab it first.

The free trial lasts 30 days, and all the data always belongs to you, and may be downloaded and/or deleted should you wish. Whether you stay or go, you get to keep everything you earned during the trial. You are not locked into a prescribed notice period, and may leave at any time, both during the trial and forever thereafter. Many clients tell us they enjoy the highest returns in their entire marketing effort using SwiftERM, we hope you will too. We have lots of referrals and many clients that would be happy to chat to you about their experience of using this solution.

To register for a free trial follow the link.

SwiftERM is a Microsoft Partner company.

Article Classification:

Easy to understand, applicable to all size companies.

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