Email hyper-personalisation is the monetisation of each consumer’s needs, wants, desires and passions, by which to add an, as-yet untapped additional revenue stream to your marketing mix.
Consider the typical consumer marketing cycle

The Email sector alone has divided into increasingly sophisticated cells
Hyper-personalisation email software concentrates on the individual consumer; nurturing additional purchases from each one. Using predictive analytics, we highlight the products identified as those they are personally most likely to buy next.
But there is clear space around it, ridding consumers of confusion, the cacophony of retailers clamouring to promote their choice. We create an oasis in a sea of your marketing campaign themes, copy, offers, incentives etc by removing distractions.
The evident success of the results speaks for themselves. Hyper-personalisation is wholly autonomous so there are zero staff overheads, it delivers negligible returns rates, the average uplift is between 3.5 – 10.5% in attributed online turnover – dependent on your vertical, and it has over half the suppression rate to that of any promotional email software. A quadruple whammy, regardless of the size of your company.
The effect is incredible, and we think, but for bringing it to your attention, that it’s too important to be ignored. It is indeed email-remarketing, on an individual consumer basis, with phenomenal results!
Email hyper-personalisation
Your role is already cast in this, as simply being perceptive enough to appreciate that not everything you do needs to be at full throttle. The consumer has infinite pressures and is pulled in a myriad of directions causing a cacophony of chaos in their lives already, without needing more.
Consider your own life – work, relationship, family, home, mortgage, credit cards, holiday, cars, career, TV, books, food, health, the list is endless. And yet in among all this you, as someone else’s customer, found time for your choices. So must they.
Your consumer shop with you because they like your products, and what you stand for and add to their lives. Be that nurtured by your dedication to building and establishing a brand, and its perpetuation, your existing strategies, their perception of you, or engagement with the direction you’re going.
They probably also admire the mechanics you adopt and employ on their behalf, such as the introduction of new plugins. Remember if your consumers already receive a PPS email from where you shop, you appreciate the familiarity already created and being enjoyed.
Email personalisation software can’t be corralled into an extension of an existing operation, although it is commonly used alongside standard email software software. These emails are rooted in the consumer’s desires, not the retailers.
There are masses of positives to what’s on offer. The email content comes from your site, your images, your copy, price and is linked to that exact item on the page. The consumer is reassured that you identified as the sender.
This motivation is sent to their inbox, to be opened at their leisure, in isolation from the competition, tailored to that exact moment of choice in their life. The content is perpetually changing, and always on target; not something irrelevant or that they already have bought.
These are products ranked by the consumer’s own personally exhibited actions – products they have shown interest in. This is you treating them as individuals, not part of a segment, and they love you more for it.
They already get you. We mean, they “get it”, as in what you are trying to achieve, and do for them. You know that, because first and foremost they are already your customers, with varying degrees of loyalty, given the frailties and fickleness of human nature.
They already enjoy your products, offers, strategy, how you visualise yourself and the language you use, plus how and when you talk to them.
Consider then in addition, and ever so quietly and subtly, they also receive one more email each month from you. Without any furore, it simply presents the products which, identified by their buying history and ever-changing impressions, have the greatest probability for that individual buying, but for you asking. A profitable and necessary addition to your marketing mix.