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The ultimate guide to marketing automation

The ultimate guide to marketing automation

Systems based on marketing automation are getting gradually more often connected with Deep Data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in order to provide your consumers with the perfectly tailored and personalised content and communications to simplify their interaction with you.

At the very beginning of the technology’s development, systems based on marketing automation enabled monitoring visits on websites in real-time and delivering marketing information about current behavior of users on website – these monitored and anonymous as well. Thanks to a variety of solutions you are able to constantly react to prospects’ needs and adjust the products you want them to see.


Real-time content personalisation has been replaced by predictive personalisation, provided by marketing automation results in possibility to individually adjust the content to each of the customers’ preferences and needs and to deliver it in all the channels. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Using such technology you are able to replace the conventional static communication strategies applied in isolated channels with modern Marketing Automation campaigns.

Thanks to many different solutions marketing campaigns are becoming more dynamic and they start to resemble a real dialog between a company and each of the interested customers. With personalisation you are able to utilise the automatisation in all points where customer interacts with the marketing company.

Not only can the products uniquely selected to show each individual consumer be adjusted and tailored based on their interests, but also the publicity marketing automation campaigns. Moreover, with marketing automation you’ll to increase the conversion rate managing all your marketing actions. Now that we have the data about customers, what’s left? It is enough? Don’t we need analysis of any sort? Of course you do! Marketing Automation platforms allow creating and analysing of whole customer lifecycle.

Customer Lifecycle Analytics

Marketing Automation system provide the user with the convenient communication ways within all the stages of customer lifecycle. Managing whole lifecycle is a key for optimising monetisation of each of acquired contacts. Marketing customer lifecycle starts in their acquisition, last during the contact’s education which prepares them for a purchase, the retention and increases their loyalty.

Marketing Automation measures the engagement on all the stages and provides them with fitting marketing contents. Thanks to Marketing Automation we are able not only to monitor the behavior of a customer on different stages in a lifecycle but also to analyse the engagement level and to educate them with Lead Nurturing campaigns – adjusted to each of the lifecycle stages the customer is on. 

The ultimate guide to marketing automation

Engagement or passivity?

In marketing automation processes, customer engagement is measured with engagement index. The marketing engagement index consists of several basic parts. The whole consists of two halves. The first one is responsible for the level of marketing commitment of the customer before signing the contract, making transactions etc.

The second one defines their marketing commitment at the stage of customer retention or exit phase. Automation systems places the customer on one of the halves, measures their marketing involvement considered as activity in several areas like the product selection content of their emails or subsequent behaviour, and then assigns to alternate products based on their reaction. We already know that your consumer is a committed shopper. 

You already know everything about your customer – discover what they don’t know about themselves.

Inbound and outbound marketing activities greatly benefit from the additional information gained in the process. The knowledge on which products or categories are currently sought after the most, as well as which communication channels result in highest conversion rates, it is possible to focus on efficient solutions and optimise marketing expenditures.

What is more, knowing exactly when and how customers act, helps to choose the perfect time to switch product emphasis which strengthens relationships between you and the customer. This entire process is what is called “Predicting Customer Journey & Behaviour Mechanisms”.

Just why all this? Since we have already had the opportunity to match offers to the consumer’s needs? Well, AI gives us opportunities not only to match offers depending on customer’s preferences but also to predict in what customer will probably be interested before they even think about it and hence: Get real results and grow your sales by adjusting your marketing to what consumers want to see.

Predictive personalisation solutions, like SwiftERM, use AI and Deep Data, we achieve the maximum customer lifetime value in each case, maximising the probability of purchase and minimising the overall costs. Also we optimise the use of resources dedicated to marketing activities through detailed analysis of products and product categories that attract most attention and interest, knowledge of each individual consumer’s preferences and the ability to predict which products will be sold to each individual in the near future and a complex analysis of transaction data.

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