SwiftERM Hyper-personalisation for ecommerce email marketing
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AI hyper-personalisation and sustainability

AI Hyper-personalisation and Sustainability

The decision to embrace AI hyper-personalisation is not just a matter of adopting new technologies. It forces companies to reimagine their content supply chain to continually meet audience demands for hyper-personalised and engaging content. AI, with its vast potential for content creation and distribution, challenges us to strategically assess how best to integrate AI tools within our supply chains to enhance and guide human creativity.

It is not about the mere hyper-personalisation of your CRO. While fine and dandy to have appropriate landing pages for each individual, as time progresses entire sites are fine-tuned to the individual viewer. But true hyper-personalisation is an existential entity that eats, sleeps and breaths the human being whose data it is nurturing. Given this appreciation, you should quickly come to the realisation that it has to take product selections to the individual (away from the website) i.e. via email, autonomously at exactly the time appropriate for their next purchase decision. We are each more often offline than on it.

Ecommerce merchants: Distinctions between all the top hyper-personalisation software providers

AI’s Impact on Strategy and Focus

Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged as a transformative force on the marketing stage, and along with it has come the quick realisation of its gigantic individual communication potential and content generation capabilities. This innovation promises to significantly increase in sales through relevancy, which is crucial for brands looking to expand their digital presence.

It does, however, come with responsibilities that not everyone is eager to accept. It is important to understand AI modelling as highlighted by SwiftERM: “Learning Machine Learning (ML), a subset of AI associated with providing machines with the ability to learn from experience without the need to be programmed explicitly. In simple words, ML is a part of AI. So while all ML models are, by default, AI models, the opposite may not always be true. 

In ML, it’s important to distinguish between supervised vs. unsupervised learning, and a hybrid version named semi-supervised learning. In short, supervised learning is where the algorithm is given a set of training data. Supervised models learn from ground truth data that was labelled manually by data scientists. In computer vision, this process is called image annotation. The model uses this data to learn (AI training) how to make predictions on new data (AI inferencing)”.

More than just product selection

That’s where AI steps in, revolutionising relevant product selection communications – emails, and discovery like never before. This revolution is significantly driven by user research, data capture, analysis and application of that data in one. It is understanding the nuanced needs and behaviours of each online shopper, and tailoring unique product selections to these insights.

Every individual on this planet is unique, and what might have been perceived a while ago as unfathomable impulse purchases, can now be revealed to be individual likes, dislikes, needs and aspirations. What’s more, AI now offers ecommerce retailers an immense opportunity to staggering heights through the adoption of such facilities. Hyper-personalisation software, and more significantly the KPIs that drive it, is becoming not only essential but obligatory, as consumers turn to brands that understand and appreciate them.

Hyper-Personalisation and Efficiency

The growing demand for personalised content signalled the era of hyper-personalisation – hyper-personalisation of email marketing is becoming the critical mainstay of the next generation of market-stimulating solutions. It offers both low-hanging fruit in the form of what every dictates each consumer has revealed in their shopping, but also previously unforeseen selections are now captured too. Patterns not inhibited by anything anyone else bought – herd culture, “people who bought that also bought this alternative”.

Maximising efficiency with autonomous software

Similarly, addressing the inefficiency of so-called “vampire tasks” – manual, time-consuming work – emphasises the critical need for automation. Streamlining workflows, including the integration of various software tools, enables marketers to focus more on new client acquisition, and broadening appropriate products stocked. Besides enhancing operational efficiency, it also facilitates an agile and collaborative work environment.

AI necessitates the removal of human beings from involvement. We make mistakes, and inadvertent – and sometimes deliberate malicious mistakes. We also go home at night and take weekends and holidays off. Advances in AI are perpetual and cannot come into the realm of consideration against non-robotic entities. What a quantum AI capability offers is accuracy beyond human perception, and an ROI for your marketing beyond your wildest dreams.

Seek Customer-Centric Solutions

Keep in mind the end user is the most important and most verbal critic. To secure buy-in in today’s consumer-driven economy, autonomous solutions must genuinely improve the customer experience while respecting privacy, and there is no greater demonstration of this in the personalisation of the consumer’s product selections offered.

The success of this technology lies in the accuracy with which it tracks live necessities. Precision is key to delivering the right user experience and minimising costs, which is why offerings like predictive personalisation are essential to capturing the greatest potential CLV from each consumer. This granular marketing is also less expensive and more sustainable, requiring less energy and more accuracy than alternatives like segmentation.

Retailers and brands that leverage this technology will create new opportunities for connected commerce. The autonomous vision of retail is not only here, it’s inevitable.

Conflicting Visions of AI Personalisation

To better make sense of this tension between humanistic and economic perspectives relevant to personalisation, we’d like to adapt, a distinction made by Thomas Sowell in his insightful book A Conflict of Visions.

Sowell, an economist by training, distinguishes between two conflicting political and moral visions in Western thought. These visions are all-encompassing worldviews that not only bias one’s ethical and political theories but also one’s understanding of the nature and scope of scientific knowledge. Yet these two visions are mutually incompatible. In effect, where one sees a duck, the other sees a rabbit. For instance, the standard economic thinking behind the notion of consumer sovereignty implies that because we desire something, it must be good. Yet Kant claims the opposite: something is good, therefore we must desire it (insofar as we are rational beings).

We surmise the emergence of the field of AI ethics is a manifestation of this conflict of visions. As such, the rapid growth of work and interest in AI ethics should be interpreted as expressing dissatisfaction that personalisation technology has up to now neglected essential elements of the unconstrained vision. We can roughly associate these unconstrained elements with what Habermas calls our hermeneutical and emancipatory interests in achieving mutual understanding and freedom from our baser, animalistic nature.

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